Computer Vision is a technology that allows machines to recognize objects and people within images and videos.
L’Intelligenza Artificiale è un campo di studi vasto. Esso comprende tutte quelle tecnologie che permettono alle macchine di assumere comportamenti paragonabili a quelli umani.
L’Intelligenza Artificiale è la tecnologia che rende Smart le cose. In altre parole essa le dota di algoritmi che le rendono autonome nell’espletare determinazione attività, sostituendosi agli esseri umani. Quando un processo viene automatizzato, ovvero una macchina lo esegue al posto di una persona, ciò accade grazie ad algoritmi di AI.
Il Machine Learning è la branca forse più nota dell’Intelligenza Artificiale. Indica i meccanismi attraverso cui le macchine imparano ad eseguire determinate attività. Attraverso algoritmi di Machine Learning viene implementata la Computer Vision, un ulteriore branca dell’AI che consente alle macchine di riprodurre le logiche della vista umana.
Silca Profile Reader | Artificial Intelligence trained with synthetic images
A software of Artificial Intelligence that uses Computer Vision to classify key profiles trained with a Synthetic Training Dataset.
Starpool | Wellness IoT
My W-Place is a mobile App that allows Starpool customers to enjoy their domestic wellness area with total comfort and autonomy.
Acqua Alma Refill App
IoT technology collects and uses data to deliver personalized experiences and services. Acqua Alma Refill demonstrates how digital tools enable users to manage their daily well-being.
Lares Italy | Sisma VR Experience
Sisma VR aims to educate participants on proper earthquake risk prevention.
Fitting Labs | Digital Touch
Fitting Labs uses AI to help people buying shoes online with more confidence.
The impact of digital transformation in highly regulated sectors
Logistics management platform
Internet of things to safeguard production and the environment
Sport in Cloud
Web platform to manage sports tournaments
Safilo VirtualEyes
A digital tool that improves business processes.
Cardiology AR
Didactics in augmented reality for medical students at University of Padua
Design and concept of a virtual reality experience
IKEA Padua
A new retail experience through XR Technologies.
Nice Filo
Immersive storytelling through Extended Reality Technologies.
Phasys VR
Riedl Phasys is the automation system of drug distribution in pharmacies.
Mecc App
The one-click alternator-control panel
Uqido Deep Dive with Pam Panorama
Tools to improve customer loyalty
Nokia Supervision Traning 360
Immersive technologies are increasingly used in the educational field.
Sei Mamma Euganea
the app that supports you during your pregnancy
The smartphone dermatoscope
Stop Allergeni
Progressive web app for allergies
A VR Hope for WWF
Safeguarding the wolf with WWF
Web platform for legal advice
AR Projects
AR for companies
Info Pronto Soccorso
The app for the Veneto Region
The app for ULSS 6 Euganea
The Edge – Be Brave
A step beyond your limits
Credit Agricole
The World, Inside A Room
Museum Magister Giotto – Venice
The immersive museum of Venice
Athlon Fun | AR App for children health
An AR-powered Mobile App that gamifies motor skill, develops mental health and sparks learning.